Hello dear friends !
A few days ago, I tried my hand at 3D quilling of a very popular and cute animated character, inspired by the movie 'The Minions'. My daughter just loves these little fellows [she calls them 'Yellow babies' :)]. This is what I made earlier:---
This was very much appreciated in the social groups and a few people requested me a tutorial for the same. So, as promised, here I am with a step-by-step process of how I made it. Of course there are no rules that you have to go the same way and you can definitely modify the process, depending upon the availability of supplies and your own creativity. :)
Please be warned, it's a picture heavy and a long post, the longest I've ever done till date..lol. So, make yourself comfortable and enjoy :)
This is the minion I made recently. It stands 5 centimeters (2 inches) tall and the widest circumference diameter is approximately 2 centimeters. , Here's a tutorial for the same:-
Ok, so for the convenience of understanding, let's divide the process into 5 parts:-
Part 1--- Making the main body
Part 2---- Eyes
Part 3--- Legs and feet
Part 4-----Arms and hands
Part 5---- Miscellaneous ( adding hair, banner, sealing and polishing)
PART 1---
Supplies needed :--
50 Yellow quilling strips , 5 mm wide and 11.5 cms. long
11 Blue quilling strips, 5 mm wide and 11.5 cms. long
Stotted Quilling tool
a quilling mould
Fevicol MR
small sized scissors
1. Start sticking all the 11 blue strips end-to-end.

2. Make a tight coil using a quilling tool or quilling needle, as shown below.

3. Make a dome shape out out of this coil with the help of a quilling mould. After the 'dome' has been made, seal it by applying some fevicol MR on the inside as well as the outside.
4. Similarly, stick 10 yellow strips end-to-end , quill that to make a tight coil and make a 'dome' out of it as well. We need to make 4 tight yellow coils in all. So, in all we have 1 blue 'dome', 1 yellow 'dome' and 4 tight yellow coils, as shown in the picture below.
5. Now stack all the yellow coils one above the other, followed by the yellow dome(which forms the head of the minion)
6. And then, attach the yellow portion into the blue dome we formed earlier. It should look something like this.
You will notice that we used 11 quilling strips to make the blue dome, whereas we used 10 strips each for the yellow coils. As a result of this, the yellow portion should fit comfortably inside the blue dome, as shown in pcture below.
For this, I stuck two 5 mm blue strips , about a centimeter long, lengthwise, as shown in the picture below. This will form the pinafore of their pants.
Note:- You can completely avoid this above mentioned step if you have 10mm blue quilling strip. I didn't have it, so had to stick two 5 mm ones. I just wanted to get the best out of the supplies I have. :)
Part 2:: Eyes
Supplies needed:
Two black coloured strips, 3 mm wide, 5 inches long
Two brown coloured strips, 3 mm wide, 5 inches long
Four white strips, 3 mm wide, 11.5 inches long
Two grey strips, 3 mm wide, 11.5 inches long.
For making one of the eyes, stick 1 black, 1 brown, 2 white and 1 grey strips of the above mentioned lengths respectively. Make a tight coil out of it. Repeat the same for the other eye too. Stick them both together. This is how they will look.
Part 3: Legs and Feet
Supplies needed:
Two blue strips, 5 mm wide , 11.5 inches long--for the legs
Four black strips, 3 mm wide, 11.5 inches long--for the feet
1. Roll a blue strip tightly to make a leg. Repeat for the other.
2. Stick two black strips edge to edge and roll into a firm(but not tight) coil. Now press it between your thumb and index fingers to make a tear drop shape. Repeat for the other foot too.
3. Make it look like a boot by slightly pressing over the narrow portion of the teardrop, such that the wider portion looks bulged out. Hope you are not confused. Please refer to the picture below to see how it should look.
4. Now stick these boots to each of the 'legs' we made.
PART 4::Arms and hands
Supplies needed:-
Two yellow strips, 5 mm wide and 5 inches long--for the arms
Two black strips, 3 mm wide and 11.5 inches long--for the hands.
1. Roll a yellow strip into a tight coil.
2. Hold the coil from the centre with the help of a pointed tweezer and slide open the coil over it, as shown below.
3. Roll the black strips and make tear drop shapes to make the hands. The arms and hands would look something like this.
4. And this is how we stick the 'hands' inside the 'arms'.
5. Upon assembling all the little parts we made, it would look something like this.
PART 5:-- Miscellaneous
Now complete your minion by adding it's hair, drawing the parts of face, attaching the pinafor straps and sticking a small banner made out of kraft card stock, between it's 'hands'.
Finally, I sealed it with some home made mod podge , followed by a coat of clear synthetic varnish.
And there he is!! Our cute, little minion. :)
I hope it was clear and you enjoyed reading this very long tutorial and are ready to try your hand at some 3D quilling. Would love to hear your feedback. If you have any doubts or queries, just leave a comment with your email id. I would definitely revert back at the earliest.
Linking this post to :
http://beyondgrey.blogspot.in/2015/07/bgc70-dimensional-project.html?m=1-- BGC-- Dimensional paper craft project.
Update :-- Recently discovered a new blog by suZARTe namely 'Just Keep on Creating', where we can share any of our favorite new and old projects with other talented bloggers and get inspired in turn. So, I'm linking this up there and October month's theme is 'Anything Goes'. I hope my quillled minion tutorial is helpful to other quillers. :)

suzARTe is also hosting a wonderful giveaway celebrating her comeback on the blog 'Imagine, Create, Express'. Do check it out. She's an amazinly talented card maker and you would surely love her creations.

Thanks for visiting today. Happy Crafting! :)